At Plenty of Fish, we believe that who you are matters to your dating experience. That’s why you can share information on your profile that reveals your sexual orientation, gender identity, race/ethnicity, political opinions, religious beliefs, and health status, which may be considered sensitive data under some laws and regulations. You choose whether to share sensitive data with Plenty of Fish, and we want you to understand how we use it and your choices. Read on for an overview, and check out our Privacy Policy for more info about how we use your data, including sensitive data.
To provide and enhance your experience on Plenty of Fish
We use sensitive data you share to provide you with the service and help you connect with Plenty of Fish users. Additionally, sensitive data you add to your public profile will be visible to other Plenty of Fish users to help potential matches get to know you and decide whether they want to connect with you.
If you no longer want to share sensitive data with us, you can update your profile in Edit Profile or close your account by following the instructions here.
To enhance your experience across Match Group
Plenty of Fish is part of the Match Group family of companies, and we may (where permitted) use sensitive data to help provide you with the best experience across Match Group platforms. For example, we may check your sexual orientation, ethnicity or religion to show you offers for Match Group services created with your community in mind to help improve your chances of making significant connections with others.
You can control whether your data is used for Match Group Offers and other Match Group data practices activities by visiting the Privacy Preferences Center / Your Privacy Choices link available in your account Settings. Learn more here and in our Privacy Policy (“How Match Group Companies work together”).
To support safety, integrity, and security efforts
User safety is a top priority for Plenty of Fish. Your data, including sensitive data, may be used when necessary to keep you and our other members safe on Plenty of Fish and across Match Group.
How do I learn more?
Check out our Privacy Policy for more information about how we use data, including sensitive data.