There’s a dedicated Plenty of Fish support team ready to help in any way they can, you have lots of options to get in touch with us.
(*PRO TIP - If you're a POF member and need support with your account, be sure to contact us from the email registered to your account, otherwise we can't verify it's you, meaning we can't share any account specific info with you!)
Getting in touch
- Need more help? You can reach out by simply filling out our contact form.
- If you're contacting our team for any membership or billing-related questions, just be sure to email from the registered email on your account (otherwise we can't verify it's you, meaning that we can't share account-specific information with you!).
Law Enforcement Only
If you're a law enforcement official and need to get in contact with our team, please submit a request via our portal here: MG Law Enforcement Portal. To access the portal, you will be prompted to create an account before you can submit a request.
Note: The portal is for authorized law enforcement and government officials. We will not respond to requests from non-law enforcement officials.