We understand that gender is a big part of who we are, and we want to make sure that everyone is able to express their gender freely in the Plenty of Fish community.
When creating a new account, you can select the gender that you identify with, whether you are a man, woman, cis man, cis woman, trans man, trans woman, or non-binary. You can also choose whether you want this info visible on your profile.
We use the gender you enter as a way to help match you with who you're looking for. If one of our gender options doesn't completely align or you are not wanting to have your gender visible you can turn off gender visibility in your profile. If you are wanting to change your gender or entered in the incorrect gender, we do not have the option to change it. If this is the case, we can help you close your account so we can create a new one.
On The App:
1) Click on the Profile Icon in the top left
2) Select Edit Profile
3) In the section Basics, look for Gender and select that
4) Under Gender you'll see the toggle for Show Gender on My Profile
On a Desktop Browser:
1) Go to Edit Profile
2) Scroll until you find Show Gender on Profile (it's under Birthdate)
3) Toggle on or off
- Need more help? You can reach out by simply filling out our contact form.
- If you're contacting our team for any membership or billing-related questions, just be sure to email from the registered email on your account (otherwise we can't verify it's you, meaning that we can't share account-specific information with you!).
Law Enforcement Only
If you're a law enforcement official and need to get in contact with our team, please submit a request via our portal here: MG Law Enforcement Portal. To access the portal, you will be prompted to create an account before you can submit a request.
Note: The portal is for authorized law enforcement and government officials. We will not respond to requests from non-law enforcement officials.