Should I report someone?
If you have a negative experience on Plenty of Fish, we want to know about it so we can try to make it better. Even though our team is always on the lookout for not-so-great encounters, sometimes a few can slip through the cracks. That’s where you come in. By reporting another member who’s violated our Community Guidelines or Terms of Use, you’re helping our team take action so that member doesn’t hurt anyone else’s experience.
We’re all about maintaining a safe and inclusive space for our members. Here’s what we don’t tolerate:
Bullying, harassment, violence, discriminatory language, nudity/sexually explicit content, scamming, spamming, minors under 18, criminal activity, prostitution, solicitation, and trafficking.
This list isn’t exclusive, so if you need more info about what else isn’t going to fly on our platform, check out our Community Guidelines.
Reporting IRL Behavior
Your safety IRL is just as important as your safety online. If you have a negative or unsafe experience on a date or with another member outside of the app, you can and should report it. We’re here to support you with any resources you might need and we’re prepared to take action against the person reported. If you’re reporting something that happened in-person or off-app, be sure to include as much detail as possible so our moderators can make the best decision they can.
We know talking in detail about a bad experience can sometimes be really hard. Remember, when you report an unsafe encounter with another member, you’re helping us keep the rest of our community safe.
All that being said, if you or someone you know is in immediate, physical danger, contact your local authorities for help as soon as possible.
Reporting Online Behavior
If something felt off while you were connecting with another member on our app or website, you can report it from their profile or your messages with them. You’ll want to pick a reporting reason and give us a description of what happened.
Our Reporting Process
When you send us a report, it’s sent to a real human moderator who’s going to spend the time reviewing the incident in detail. When you’re reporting someone, we want to hear every detail you’re comfortable sharing. The more info you’re able to give us in the report, the more detailed our investigation can be.
At Plenty of Fish, we take our members' safety and privacy very seriously. Reports are 100% confidential and they’ll only be looked at by our moderation and safety teams. Whoever you’ve reported won’t know you reported them.
What Happens After You Report Someone
When you report someone, our team will take one of a few different actions. If our team has confirmed the incident, we’ll warn the member for minor offences, suspend an account temporarily, or ban a member from the platform (for something more serious). We don’t share what action we’ve taken on a report, but know that our team is making the best decision possible with the info we have. By reporting another member, you’re not starting a criminal investigation. If you think you need to, you can reach out to your local law enforcement directly.
Requesting Records
If you’ve blocked a member that you’ve reported, you might not have access to the records of a negative interaction with that member. If you need a copy of your account data please reach out to our support team for help. If you're looking for messages that someone else sent you we can only provide that information with an official request from law enforcement. Law enforcement can contact our legal team at
In case of an emergency or if you or someone you know is in danger and you’re in need of immediate action, contact 911 or the appropriate authorities in your area.