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Member Communication & Profile
Member Communication & Profile
Learn all the ways that you can use Plenty of Fish to go on more dates and to best communicate and search other members. As well as how to edit your Profile.
Controlling who sees your profile and photos
Take a break
Updating your profile
Profile tips
Meet Me (the place where you swipe)
Mutual Matches
Interested in Me
Interested in Me
My Matches
How are recommendations made?
See all 7 articles
Rotating your profile images
Uploading a profile photo and photo guidelines
Editing and removing photos
Why was my photo removed?
Searching, and changing your search preferences
How does the search feature work?
Messaging on Plenty of Fish
Deleting conversations
My messages aren't sending
Why did a message or conversation disappear?
How do I find my messages?
First Contacts and sending messages
See all 7 articles
POF features & tokens
Introducing the NDP “No Dick Pics” Badge
Share My Date
Boosting your profile
See who viewed your profile through Interested in Me
Promote your profile with Boost and Super Like