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Manage My Subscription
Manage My Subscription
Answers to your questions about our POF membership!
POF Membership
Benefits of a POF Plus, POF Premium or Prestige upgrade
Everything you need to know about our new membership tiers: POF Plus and POF Premium
Changing from POF Plus to POF Premium
Accepted payment methods
Canceling or refunding your paid subscription
When will my membership renew?
Trouble with your membership
Can I restore or transfer my upgraded membership to my new account?
Can't access my POF membership
Issues with billing and payment
Duplicate or incorrect charges
Trouble completing an Apple purchase
Removing your credit card info from POF
Additional fees
Purchase and payment terms
Third-party purchases
Turning off your rebill status for Google Play purchases
Turning off your rebill status for Apple/iOS purchases
Turning off your rebill status PayPal purchases